
June 2014: Sea Star Wasting Syndrome alarming

Sea Star Wasting Syndrome they're calling it and Living On Earth, the June 20, 2014 edition, covers the distressing news of what may be a case of poisoning from consuming contaminated mollusks. Sea Stars do love their mollusks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and scientists are scratching their noggins over what's dissolving the Sea Stars on the Northwest Pacific Coast and elsewhere. The victims are key animals in the environmental hierarchy of the seas.

Here's a suggestion: perhaps the Pacific Ocean's radiation poisoning is affecting mollusks (who soak up everything) and other food sources--or even the Sea Stars themselves--due to the 2010 Fukushima nuclear meltdown that continues to contaminate the planet and our oceans? Why, what a silly idea!

After all, what could I possibly know about sick Sea Stars. Hmmm.

Note: here is a direct link to the Living On Earth 'Sick Sea Stars' feature in case it remains available on this blog: LOE.org.


Photo captures childlike wonder at the Tennessee Aquarium

You too may experience wonder at the Tennessee Aquarium!
April 28, 2014: Two poppets visit Chattanooga to hang out with the playful otters, gorgeous fish, and personable penguins. Besides, who doesn't love otters? Photo by Maya Henderson, owner-creator of French Honey Art Pendants Shop @etsy.


Solar Dishes for Electricity and Fresh Water!

No, 'Solar Dishes' are not yesterday's lunch plates left outside for the sunlight to disinfect!

My question is: can the new Solar Dishes help answer many of our environmental issues?

Myself, I'm pining for a Solar Dish for generating electricity and fresh water! Are you?


Why Does This Species of Fish Migrate? BP Oil Spill in the news

Well, here's a Curious Fish Fact: 80% of a species of freshwater fish, the Common roach fish (Rutilus rutilus) migrates to nearby streams in order to keep from becoming a predator's dinner. Little smarties!

And while it's true that in the last several months I've had no time for drawing botanical fish portraits, fresh or salty, I am remiss in updating Dreamyfish Art due to a new member entering our family in 2012--yet I thought you might want to get the scoop on roach fish! Babies do have schedules of their own, don't they?

So here's a tidbit on the current courtroom drama in which the judge watchs former BP head Tony Hayward's testimony about BP's 2010 spoilage of our Gulf Coast.

Now here's the usual message of this blog brought to you by the Ornate butterfish you see pictured below:

Save Our Oceans!


The Story of Bottled Water (video)

Since Dreamyfish Art is all about fish, oceans, and water, here's an important video, The Story of Bottled Water, which you may find informative:

For a variety of videos on many topics, visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

However, another watery consideration (with Neptune now traversing its own watery sign of Pisces!) is that America's water infrastructure is elderly, deteriorating, corroded, and in need of serious overhauling which was made even more apparent by the destruction brought to our East Coast by Hurricane Sandy.


Two Years On: Sick Fish at BP Spill Site

BP Oil Fiasco Keeps on Giving Death and Destruction

Open sores aren't the only indication of BP's oil 'spill' damage to Gulf Coast wildlife as Ornate butter fish discovered while surfing the Net...

Illustration: Ornate butter fish, Pentapodus porosus; habitat: Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia; oil & watercolour pencil drawing by Jude Cowell; all rights reserved by artist.


In the Dreamyfish Art spotlight: Fish v Turtle video!

Contenders! Guess who wins this undersea tussle?

Economic analysis excludes BP Deepwater Horizon fiasco!

How crazy is this?

Because how rigged that the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in 2010 is completely left out of calculations affecting future plans being made to drill drill drill...

Rigging numbers--and in this case, leaving out a major event altogether--causes results and conclusions to be skewed, and it's easy to see who benefits from this flawed analysis.


West Coast forage fish in danger 11.4.11

Hello again, fellow fish lovers!

Oceana has released a new report concerning dangerous conditions of West Coast forage fish which you may wish to check out.

Now you know I have no drawings of forage fish from the West Coast in my files but here's a little fellow you may have met before who'd like to say, Hi! and weigh in support of his foraging cousins...

This is my pencil drawing of a Pale sweetlips from Western Australia. But here are some other sweetlips specimens with photos and details.

To save ourselves, we must Save Our Oceans!


Note: open 24/7 with fishy images and more for your browsing needs is my Zazzle Art Shop. Drop by when you can!


Is Deepwater Horizon Oil Leaking Again? 9.1.11

Sliding Down a Slicky Memory Lane (a BP-Gulf Blowout Deja-vu)

by Jude Cowell

Is the belatedly capped Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico leaking oil? A photo from 2010 indicates this may be so, I'm very sad to tell you.

Remember that happy day when I posted that the 'BP cap is stopping leak' circa July 15, 2010?

The headline then was that no more oil is leaking from the Deepwater Horizon well. Yes, Neptune is deeply involved in the whole BP oil fiasco and its cover-up since in Astrology nebulous Neptune rules oceans, oil, gas, leaks, fraud, deception, veils, illusions, delusions, cover-ups, dispersants and chemicals, poisons, drugs, smothering, and lies.

In a word? BP.

Now it's September 2011 and Scotland's North Sea has recently been breached by an oil leak with environmentalists demanding more answers from Royal Dutch Shell than they've received so far.

As you know, the propaganda going round is that Corporations Are People, Too--until the bagpiper is ready to be paid. Then they skip out on the bill and leave government (we-the-people) with as much of their tab as they can get away with.

Well, the little Red-banded wrasse you see below doesn't seem much impressed with 'royalty' acting badly no matter which flag they fly. He hints that human personages who can't get enough power and wealth need to get wise to their bad selves, back off, and take responsibility for their activities like all Oil Can Harrys end up doing if they criminalize society long enough--creeping about oppressing people and having their misguided way.

Okay, I'll hush about it. For now. And turn you over to Mr. Red-banded in a close-up from his Dreamyfish Art portrait, a botanical pencil rendering by yours truly but within his own imaginary scenario as a colorful backdrop in which to float about in his fondest dreams!

Hey! If you like the occasional fish drawing or Art on the cosmic side, you may wish to browse my Jude Cowell Art Shop @ Zazzle for Dreamyfish Art prints and posters (including the little fellow above), plus other art-decorated goodies such as iPad and iPhone covers waiting for you to check them out as you may!

Oh, and fyi: Stars Over Washington has been recently updated with videos and Political Astrology articles (written in English, not to fret) if you're interested. jc


Dr. Samantha Joye on Gulf Coast's hopes for quick recovery

Brown-spotted wrasse, a Dreamyfish Art pencil portrait drawn by Jude Cowell.

Even with ten blogs to my credit, it isn't often I get to cite an article from my hometown newspaper, the Athens Banner-Herald, concerning a topic of national interest. Yet today I can because recent remarks by UGA marine biologist, Dr. Samantha Joye, known for her study of the BP-Gulf Coast oil blowout and its effects on marine life, are published for our consideration.

Apparently, BP is glowingly touting that the Gulf of Mexico and its damaged waters and coastline will be good-to-go next year! But Dr. Joye, in a flurry of realism based on scientific knowledge and experience, begs to differ with BP's rosy scenario.

And I suspect that any Brown-spotted wrasse possessing a measure of common sense would agree with Dr. Joye, don't you?


Note: you'll find my botanical fish drawings on merchandise such as art prints/wall posters, greeting cards, and mousepads at Jude Cowell Art Shop @ Zazzle.


Sea Radiation in Japan (video)

Here's a report on the conditions in Japan after the March 11, 2011 earthquake-tsunami resulting in nuclear meltdown with massive amounts of radiation entering the surrounding sea..."sea radiation."

Yes, radiation has shown up here in America though you won't hear much about it in the mainstream media so if I were you, I'd turn to Democracy Now! for updates on the entire sad situation.

And here's my favorite little Breaksea cod from Western Australia who's feeling very threatened about now - and who can blame him?


View my Botanical Fish images and more on handy merchandise 24/7 in my Jude Cowell Art Shop at Zazzle whenever you wish!


Do Zebrafish hold a cure for human heart failure?

One of my favorite online publications, X-RAY MAG, is reporting that Zebrafish could hold a cure for heart failure!

Those stripedy little dears are able to grow back their heart tissue and may have secrets made for medical research to discover on behalf of humankind. Personally I think the little fellow below seems very glad that the human race is finally catching up with his advanced capabilities!

Zebrafish, a botanical pencil portrait by Jude Cowell.


Bottom of Gulf dead and still oily, says Joye

As you may have heard, Marine Science Professor Samantha Joye saw the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico with her own eyes and says it's still oily and has dead patches. Those elusive 'magic microbes' haven't finished the job.

Joye and her colleagues also say that certain predictions being circulated that 2012 will see the Gulf's miracle recuperation from the April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil blow-out are wrong - I say BP must be blowing something hazy along with their pie-in-the-sky notions and slights of hand.

Meanwhile, here in Athens, Georgia, home of the
University of Georgia
(a land-grant and sea-grant insitution), we're proud of Professor Joye's excellent and careful work concerning the Gulf Oil 'spill', a plight caused by men against their fellow man, and we support her efforts to get to the bottom of the situation with honesty...and with science.

But I don't think Pink shrimp goby cares for the bad news at all: